Illustrator Portraitfotografie von Daniel Verovic aus Düsseldorf.
Daniel Verovic Studio – Illustrations unique as you and I

Hey! I’m Daniel Verovic, an illustrator from Düsseldorf. I’m glad that you’d like to know more about me So, let’s get started:

Once upon a time… oops, sorry! That was the fairy tale lover in me that came to light. I live in this beautiful fashion metropolis on the Rhine. There I draw, paint, and design for publishers, companies, agencies, and magazines. Furthermore, I also make loving, individual, and stylish
portrait illustrations for private person. I studied fashion journalism and media communication at the prestigious Akademie Mode & Design (AMD). Due to years of professional experience as the chief editor of an online fashion magazine, I support customers who need stylish and appealing fashion and beauty illustrations with a high trend factor. Authentic looks in colorful pictures also play a major role in children’s books illustrated by me.
This guarantees the characters in my works a high recognitions factor.

Illustrator with aesthetics and empathy

Whether digital or analog, fashion illustration or cartoon drawings, graphic design or live drawing – with my strong empathy I help clients to find exactly the type of illustration that promises the greatest success for their target audience and their campaign. Always in flawless harmony with their individual corporate aesthetics. Thereby, beauty, emotion and an effortlessly understandable imagery with high expressiveness are in focus.
My illustrations bring feelings to life.

Next to working as an illustrator and fashion journalist, I work as a journalist/copywriter and lecturer at the Akademie Mode & Design (AMD) in the department of online journalism. You might be wondering why I switched from journalism to illustration back then – that’s a good question that I like to answer here in my personal story (German only).

Feel free to visit my social media channels like Instagram! There, I provide daily insights behind the scenes of my work and chitchat about my
life as an illustrator.

And he drew happily ever after… oops!

“Illustrations that arouse emotions – that’s my aspiration.” – Daniel Verovic




“Abenteuer am Niederrhein”. 2009. (Autor: Birgit Wilms) Mercator Verlag
“Abenteuer unter dem Kirchturm”. 2010. (Autor: Birgit Wilms). Mercator Verlag
“Hanna und der Unfall” 2013. (Autor: Harald Karutz). Medienverband der Evangelischen Kirche im Rheinland gGmbH
“Papa ist tot” 2014. (Autor: Harald Karutz). Medienverband der Evangelischen Kirche im Rheinland gGmbH
“Emma besucht die Intensivstation” 2013. (Autor: Harald Karutz). Medienverband der Evangelischen Kirche im Rheinland gGmbH
“Mama ist tot” 2017. (Autor: Harald Karutz). Medienverband der Evangelischen Kirche im Rheinland gGmbH
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